Saturday, August 29, 2009
Arrival in Lubumbashi, Congo
Nous sommes arrivés! We arrived in Congo on Friday and were greeted by our dear friends from the Lubumbashi Doyen Lions Club, Dr. Mande, and members of the UMC. A smokey haze covered the city from the dust and fires being swept up by the wind. It is the dry season here as was in South Africa. The temperature is 70 degrees F as compared to 45 degrees in South Africa. Our party took us to Dr. Mande's residence (family shown above) where we will stay until our departure to the village of Kamina on Monday morning. We reacquainted ourselves with the Mande family and the Doyen Lions Club. Dr. and Mrs. Dayton, new members of the Hamilton Lions Club, extended the hand of good will from the Hamilton Lions Club to the Lubumbashi Doyen Lions Club by giving a monetary gift to assist those with need in the community. We met and made plans with Gaston, our pilot, to fly us to Kamina in the Wings of the Morning at the beginning of next week. We also made plans to visit the Lubumbashi University Hospital tomorrow morning and make a presentation to the Eye Clinic.